Five Leaf Award

Outline: To achieve the Five Leaf Award your church must have proof that you fit the following requirements:

Environmental education:

  1. Regular eco-sermons and Bible studies
  2. Possess a shared library of environment and sustainability texts

Further reducing the impact of church and congregation:

  1. Assist its congregation to generate at least 50% of their energy use via alternative energy or via sourcing green power.
  2. Assist its congregation to travel to and from the church with minimal environmental impact.
  3. Reduce their congregation’s ecological footprints and carbon emissions
  4. Encourage ethical purchasing behaviour and have a system of food and possession sharing/recycling.
  5. Exhibit a general commitment to buying local produce where these products cannot be grown
  6. Fair Trade Faith group accreditation or the equivalent
  7. Demonstrate they are working towards constant improvement of their environmental performance.

Leading the community

  1. At least two environment focused outreach programs
  2. Outreach to other churches or religious institutions to     assist them in becoming more ecologically friendly
  3. There must be significant evidence of positive behaviour change within the congregation
  4. Demonstrate that they are having an impact on raising ecological awareness and sustainability in their community as a sustainability leader

These requirements are designed to be challenging as this award represents the highest level of achievement in this scheme.



  • Submit the transcripts of Environmental Sermons or Bible Studies
  • Submit reports on two established Environment Focused Outreach/Mission programs
  • The church must demonstrate the use of energy by their congregation and proof of the purchase of green power or renewable energy sources for 50% of this.
  • The library must be shown to the auditor or a list of books contained submitted
  • Demonstration of provision of bikes, car pooling or a church bus
  • Submit resources or proof of events used to encourage the congregation to reduce their ecological footprint
  • Food and provision sharing as well as ethical purchasing policies must be demonstrated to the auditor.
  • Proof must be submitted of a general commitment to purchasing local produce
  • Submit Fair Trade Faith Group certificate or equivalent
  • Submit evidence of efforts to assist other churches or religious organisations to become more environmentally friendly
  • Behaviour change will be measured in the survey
  • Impact on the community can be demonstrated by stories in local papers, public events held with attendance outside the congregation and statements by members of the community.
  • The church must submit a report of their plans going forward to improve their environmental performance.

If you think your church has completed all these requirements – congratulations!

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